We are committed in the spreading of the “Good News” of Jesus Christ, bringing the hope of His Kingdom to those that diligently seek redemption and salvation’s light. Our desire and endeavor is to provide a healing place through labors of love, where the Saints may gather, prepare and be equipped as citizens in God’s Kingdom on Earth – ZION.
Branch News From Saints Haven
Submitted by Doris Pearson
Taken from the Saint's Observer, Feb 2011 Volume 6 Number 1
We are one of the newest branches in the United States, though most of our members are dedicated, lifetime Restoration members. Our name, Saints Haven, fits nicely with what we have needed, for we feel our branch is a haven from the world and where we feel at home. Several families have joined us from nearby branches and enriched us with their dedication and talents. We have three Seventy as members, Steve DeVera, George Mefferd and Nathan Sherer. Their testimonies are powerful as they share their experiences and relate how God is working all over the world. We have been flooded by the Holy Spirit and felt His presence many times. We have been blessed to have a variety of speakers of all ages. Their sermons have enlightened and uplifted us, and we have been blessed by the Holy Spirit and felt His presence many times. Several men have been called to new priesthood offices this year. Their ordination services have filled our little building with visitors and their ministry has been both healing and inspiring. Our members are actively planning to build a church. Our
current location has been a blessing, but we are joyfully outgrowing it and now actively planning to build a church according to Gods plan
for us. A larger church building will truly benefit our activities with members and visitors. Those desiring to worship with us can find more about our branch on our website at www.SaintsHaven.org. We are located at 4610 N. Main Street, Independence (Atherton), MO 64058.
current location has been a blessing, but we are joyfully outgrowing it and now actively planning to build a church according to Gods plan
for us. A larger church building will truly benefit our activities with members and visitors. Those desiring to worship with us can find more about our branch on our website at www.SaintsHaven.org. We are located at 4610 N. Main Street, Independence (Atherton), MO 64058.